Daycare Cleaning

Cleaning Services for Daycares

Children are especially susceptible to pathogens and other germs that live on high-contact surfaces. For this reason, regular disinfection in daycares and other childcare centers is of the utmost importance. We are here to help you keep your childcare space safe and welcoming. We use state-of-the-art chemicals, techniques, and equipment to provide you with the quality clean you and your space deserve.


We’ve been in the commercial cleaning industry for over 25 years. We have the experience necessary to ensure that we provide you with the highest quality service.

Safeguard the Hygiene of Staff and Children at your Daycare

When you trust Premier Cleaning Services with your cleaning needs, you place the safety and hygiene of your daycare in responsible hands. We hire capable cleaners with clean backgrounds and fantastic work ethics, who arrive ready to work with you to find the best plan of action to service your childcare space. We care about your success and are prepared to help you achieve it.


Premier Cleaning Services has your best interests at heart. Interested in building a lasting business relationship? Request a free estimate today.

Safeguard Hygiene Daycare Professional Cleaning Services

We Service a Variety of Education Spaces

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